Behind the Scenes of Duty’s Cost: Reflections o...
The Duty’s Cost audiobook has been out for a few months now and is slowly gaining traction (still figuring out how to market a book…). A couple of folks have...
Behind the Scenes of Duty’s Cost: Reflections o...
The Duty’s Cost audiobook has been out for a few months now and is slowly gaining traction (still figuring out how to market a book…). A couple of folks have...
Duty's Cost is finally finished
This weekend I finally hit send on the final approval of the last proof and interior layout of Duty’s Cost. It felt good. For me, no matter how passionate I...
Duty's Cost is finally finished
This weekend I finally hit send on the final approval of the last proof and interior layout of Duty’s Cost. It felt good. For me, no matter how passionate I...
I wrote the Blog entry below about two years ago, I think. The chicken referred to as “Red” in the story was later named Bertha by my wife (It’s a...
I wrote the Blog entry below about two years ago, I think. The chicken referred to as “Red” in the story was later named Bertha by my wife (It’s a...
Spirit Mission's Winding Path to Publication
I started writing what would become Spirit Mission in the summer of 1991...
Spirit Mission's Winding Path to Publication
I started writing what would become Spirit Mission in the summer of 1991...